Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dark Embrace

My soul is dark like the night,
but bright like the moon
that shines over the graveyard
that is my heart.
A graveyard with broken hearts
and broken dreams.
Broken memories as well.
I stand in front of a lake
and see my reflection.
I smile, but she doesn't smile back.
She frowns and cries
a river of tears,
tears that were meant to be
for the love of her life
as he lays dead.
The sight of her despair and
sorrow plagues my mind.
I stare at her one more time,
and then she grins.
She smiles back at me
as he rises again.
Blood drips from her hands
and magically appears on mine.
She screams my name and cries again.
The blood dissappears,
he opens his eyes.
He embraces me
and kisses me deep as
he tries to swallow my tongue.
My soul is at peace
despite the darkness that surrounds it
in the graveyard that is my heart.
May it rest in peace.
I kiss her in a warm embrace.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


A love undying,
a love everlasting,
a love so strong,
never withered away.

A heart tough as steel,
a heart worth the steal,
a heart I must never break,
a heart I must keep


Sydämesi on kullasta,
veresi on kevyt kuin höyhen,
kehosi on niin puhdasta kuin hopeaa.

Huulet ovat makea kuin hunaja,
ihosi niin pehneä kuin terälehti,
silmäsi ovat siniset kuin safiirit.

Minä rakastan sinua
vähän kerrallaan,
pala palalta.

Sinä olet minun maailma.
Sinä olet minun kulta


Your heart is made of gold,
your blood is light as a feather,
your body is as pure as silver.

Your lips are sweet like honey,
your skin, so smooth like a petal,
your eyes blue like sapphires.

I love you
bit by bit
piece by piece

You are my world.
You are my sweetheart.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sweetest Boy

Sweetest boy
I come to you tonight
to see your face
one last time

Sweetest boy,
you're wonderful in your own ways.
You're becoming a man,
but I must wait.

Oh sweetest boy
the world is very cruel.
You must learn
to face your fears.
Oh sweetest boy
you've got a long way to go.
You must choose your path
for you've become a man.
Oh sweetest boy

Sweetest boy
life is short,
there's a reason why
things cross your path

Sweetest boy
I cannot be with you.
But if you wait for me
I shall return

Oh sweetest boy
the world is very cruel.
You must learn
to face your fears.
Oh sweetest boy
you've got a long way to go.
You must choose your path
for you've become a man.
Oh sweetest boy

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fuck You

I miss you so much,
even though I shouldn't.
I don't know what I did to deserve
the cruel treatment you gave me
right after I gave you my heart,
my body,
my mind,
and my soul.
I still love you
even though I shouldn't.

You're not worth a second of my life.
You're not worth a single tear I shed for you.
You're not worth those sleepless nights
in which I'd stay up to think about you,
let alone talk to you.
You're not worth the risks I took
just to exchange "I love yous,"
words that the wind carried
six thousand miles away nowhere.
But to be honest...
I still love you,
but unless you have something to say...